We often accompany our meal with water or other liquids, wanting to help the food to "descend" easier or to create a feeling of fullness to avoid high calorie consumption. But how good is that habit?

One thing is for sure, as best we remain hydrated during the day the better functioning the digestive process. However, excessive consumption of water before, during or after dinner has only negative results to proper digestion. Consuming large amounts of fluids leading to the dilution of gastric enzymes, even in reduced production of complicating the process of digestion. On the other, the right amount of water enhances the motion of these enzymes make them easier to work.

Proper water consumption for optimal digestion is a glass of water up to half an hour before each meal, and avoiding consumption of more than a glass immediately after eating and up to 2 hours. During the meal we could not of course forget the water for aiding and the oral hydration, but we must limit it in minimal amounts.

Finally, we should avoid the icy water and alcoholic drinks which dry out the producing saliva. Also the carbonated water appears to activate the gastrointestinal function and release gases creating by the digestion. Always cared about the quality of your water with a water filter for a reduced charge of your organism.