The cold shower is not just a solution for hot summer days when the temperature rises up, but also one healthy habit that only benefits can offer to our body. Here are 5 reasons to start a cold shower this summer and establish it in the winter.

  • Increased metabolism

Exposure to cold activates brown fat production, which is connected with the activation of the metabolism, burning bad fat and facilitate weight loss.

  • Increased hormone production

Cold showers are associated with increased production of testosterone in the body. In fact hot shower demonstrably reduce sperm production rates.

  • Antidepressant activity

When the cold water comes into contact with your skin, sent to the brain via nerve endings large number of signals, such as the action of antidepressants drugs, resulting in improved mood, the brain alert and treat anxiety.

  • Healthy hair and skin

It is known that hot water, especially in winter, leave our skin and hair dehydrated by leaving open pores. The cool water helps in closing pores and maintaining skin hydration.

  • Better sleep

By cold shower body get shocked by the low temperature, causing the sudden expansion of energy which then leads to a relaxation resulting a deep sleep.

Furthermore, using a shower filter will benefit a water, free from chlorine and other chemicals, with balanced PH, which will give you safety, healthy skin and hair.